Is Doug Henwood getting lazy with his lack of podcasts

Arnold Buckley
   I have often enjoyed listening to Doug Henwood's interviews and podcasts through the web for a few years. He is a radio host out of California and the great thing about the internet is that you can hear shows from all over instead of being regulated to a certain areas broadcasts. Doug is host of the Left Business Observer show and has had many great guests over the years discussing relevant topics on inequality and the eroding democratic principles of this nation. He has been on the forefront of fighting against the establishment and change from one person one vote to one dollar and one vote which has been prevailing in the past few decades of corrupt Country club rich  Republican and Neo-liberal Democratic rule in the White House. this is the guy who introduced much of the Western world to Yanis Varoufakis to the world as he had this Greek economist explaining what is really going on with these drawn up debt crisis from major banks around the West. Doug has been a reliant voice against the destruction of the social safety net for average citizens as the government works hard establishing public-private collaborations of profit where only a few in the country get to enjoy the fruits of an economy and creating important links with international elites to dominate the nation states. with this in mind it has been a little disheartening to hear such few new programs in recent months from the  Left business Observers here at our office, at least with the left sharks as the right bulls have mocked this guy for a long time. If corporations were not so bias where they put their advertising dollars exclusively to bought right wing hosts like Limbaugh undoubtedly Doug Henwood's name would be more of a household name and syndicated all over the country instead of these gibberish motor mouths like Mark Levin, Rush, and the in sane Michael Savage who are only on to be a mouth piece for the rich and greedy of this country. When you hear jagoffs on the right saying there is no market for left wing radio like there is for right wing radio what they mean and will not tell you is that big corporations will only fund the side that will promote talk of keeping their taxes low so they can have advertising discretionary money to use as control weapons on the economy and dictate power on policy.  hopefully Doug Henwood comes out back on track with more current and regular  programming through the airwaves that need more diverse opinion and reflection of dialogue in this coutry and the rest of the still free world.

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