Alan Colmes and others would prefer to see us forget 9/11

Jordon Morgan

   The anniversary of 9/11 being recognized every year is starting to infuriate some liberals in the media and their funky callers as they see it as another attempt to perpetuate Muslims as terrorists. Alan Colmes and a called named Henry brought this up one late night recently on his national talk radio program . Alan directed his listeners to a website that had the Gawker story that we should already forget about 9/11 and the attack on the Twin Towers that killed three thousand Americans. Liberals like Alan Colmes and others hate to see these anniversary tributes as Americans continue to remember when we left are guards down and allowed followers of an illiterate pedophile from the seventh century to bring down a large American city with their act of terror.  for Colmes and other Americans  prefer this to be erased from our memories and no tributes every September 11, it shows that our equally as repulsive enemy has always been this domestic crowd along with the radical Muslims. These idiots think these tributes are promoted by government to keep the American people scared and demanding surveillance protection. The reason we left are guard down is because of these liberal jagoffs that ignored the warning signs that there was this Middle Eastern hatred and rage. Colmes will keep saying that this attack occurred under the watch of George Bush ignoring the fact that it was long planned under the Clinton administration. Liberals like Colmes wants to shift blame and put a political partisan cause of this attack when it doesn't matter by the sons of Allah who is in American leadership. People who don't follow their twisted sickening design of this religion and use it as an instrument of international terror will always see us as an enemy. September 9 2001 will never be forgotten no matter how the folks like Colmes and his liberal callers wish it could go away and end this fear-based ritual every year as these dillweeds are under the delusion that we are all safe from Islamic terrorism when in fact we are not any safer as we were in 2001. This country continues to promote the idea of open borders and giving preferential immigration status to people with tons of dollars and our oil addictions will always ensure many of these new settlers will come from the lands of evil in Arabia where all the hijackers of 9/11 were originally from. alan Colmes and his liberal callers are idiots.

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