Neil Knight
Alibaba is a Chinese site that helps counterfeit handbags to be peddled on its website making a mockery of European luxury products and the overpriced luxury brands they claim to be. This of course is all complete hogwash and what the world needs is more knock offs of these luxury brands that attempt to help stroke the egos of the very wealthy. A class of lunatics waging class warfare and hoarding the wealth so companies can cater to their egotistical desires and charge exuberant prices that only they can afford and enjoy. The French conglomerate Kering is using the courts systems to try to bring Alibaba to its knees but this will never stop the production of fake brand products as long as the very wealthy create a need for this and others seek to imitate as best as possible. There is absolutely nothing special about any luxury brand and only its perceived exclusivity is what gives it its over-priced from a greedy wicked class that needs to be brought to its knees and have its wealth confiscated for the good of all. Noting can escape the web of counterfeiters including the baby IPhone as well as there will be people willing to make knock offs for the demands of these over-priced items and products whose main goal is to illustrate wealth. The luxury brand scam needs to come to an end and their reputation for quality and exclusivity for a small wealthy class undermined from these equally looking impressive knock offs that best expose the absurdity of these brands. these luxury brands push for government spending to stop these counterfeiters but government has a responsibility for consumers and the public and need not waste their time to devote protecting the image of luxury brands whose main goal is to have others look down upon and feel superior to others based on incomes and wealth. Governments should bare the responsibilities for inequality and the existence of these brands as promulgating and this existence of inequality in society to begin with more and more the reason to crush this industry.
Luxury brands tremor at the prospect of this Chinese site and hopefully others allowing millions of sellers hawking these nock offs and the real issue to these brands is why they limit the production of their items and inflate the prices so only a few enjoy and can use them to elucidate their wealth in public which is only achieved by marking up prices out of reach for others for mostly relatively simple prices. As long as these dirty rotten companies do this government and other snot need worry about others making some jingle from producing a similar looking product and I hope millions of these fake handbags and counterfeit watches reach the dam market being absolutely indistinguishable from the original just the more to bring this industry down along with their backers. sales of counterfeiters ingenious knock offs continue to proliferate on the internet costing these brands millions out of lost sales and all this costly and time consuming legal battles to stop this unwinnable fight against counterfeiting shoes, handbags, sunglasses, and clothing.
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