Rick Telander defends Draft Kings and Fan Duel

Leroy Yost
   The three Rick sportswriters are always to out Rick the other and this week Rick Telander wrote about Draft Kings. he questioned New York state Attorney generals comments that these sites are just gambling sites and Telander wondered where we draw the line brining up Wall Street and so forth and how this is some slippery slope that needs to be treaded carefully. Telander somehow thinks there is skill given that one percent of the people who use Draft Kings and Fan Duel actually win the money a d that this doesn't somehow constitute gambling. The fact that some rich people with time on their hand to analyze the stats and make better decisions pretty much sums up the advantages of people who can buy this research or have the spare time while running their company and having other people do the work. Rick Telander just doesn't like it that Eric Scneiderman or some other joker from the government t is telling sports addict rich brats that they can't do something and create a company to profit from the stupidity of other lower-income sports addicts who don't realize they have a chance in these skilled fantasy competitions. Telander likely made a little side jingle from these sites and is why he is against any attempts to ban these suckers from operating on other sports suckers creating a whole new advertising revenue for media writers such s himself. Rick Telander is a sap and he and his friends know these sites stink and should be disallowed from operating as they do and are basically another attempt by the rich to push more gambling and political uneducation to the lower-income masses.

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