Kyle Kulinski reports on foolishness of Muslims banning Valetines Day

Andy Cruz
   Kyle Kulinski reported and was angry about Muslim protests against valentines day and that the holiday is being banned in many countries. Kyle was upset that places such as Indonesia and Russia see valentines Day as not part of their culture and thus deserving of a ban and pointed out the same hypocrisy if these people if one of their holidays was banned in the Western world. kyle Kuklinski rightfully went on to declare the ethnocentricity of these Muslim countries being worried that their people were accepting something that was traditionally alien to them and basically these people know little of romance except a dowry payment of a relative having to marry her Uncle in Islamic lands. Every Ahmed, ali, and Abdullah was guaranteed a wife no matter how uneducated, poor, or backwards the person is and the idea of romance and winning over a woman is something the Muslim world knows little about. This is why they want to ban  the holiday of Valentines Day that was creeping more and more into their culture and creeping out the theocratic Islamic supremacists over in their lands. Kyle may attempt it but you really can't rationalize things done by Muslims and actions such as something as stupid as being paranoid about valentines day becoming more accepted by their youth is preciously why so many people are Islamaphobes and actually see the insanity of this faith and their rotten book called the Koran

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