Richard Heinberg says new tesla model and mass orders a great start to getting away from automobile fossil fuels dependency

 Larry Frost
   Richard Heinberg was interviewed recently about the new Tesla model III automobile and how this can be the beginning steps to get away from fossil fuels for  mass transportation. the interview with the great environmental activist can be found at .Heinberg went on to dismiss critics say is  these electric cars would rely on anti0green coal when in fact the rise of an electric grid will benefit the transportation methods and easing the transition from liquid fuel. Heinberg went on to praise Elon Musk's Tesla automobile as a great start for a transitionary  phase.As of right now only 20% of all energy  in the United States is in the form of electricity. The rest is in the form of liquid fuels for transportation, energy for high heat industrial processes and so on. We have to electrify as much of that energy usage as we can, because most of our renewable sources of energy produce electricity. That's true of solar and wind, geothermal, and hydropower. Richard Heinberg said that todays cheap oil is a blip that will not affect the drive to electric cars and that basically the transportation model we live in with automobiles anyway is the most inefficient and energy wasting as there is and in it by itself is proof that it will not last. Heinberg wonders how society even allowed all this mass of glass and steel to be used to mostly move one or two people around to get to points was even allowed to begin with nd hopefully it comes to an end as peoples expectations and entitlements of solo driving as recreation comes to an end.

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