Does professor Jonah Goldberg know what Socialism is?

Ramon Ramos
 Professor  Jonah Goldberg wonders if the youth know what socialism is but the dude needs to be asking if old people know what it is after years away from schooling and education on the matter. Just getting your information from the Sean Hanitty's or Rush Limbaugh's doesn't really give the gray-hairs any idea but it it]s the gray hairs that run the media companies and pay saps like Jonah Goldberg top dough to write their propaganda. Socialism has always been favored by the youth who are often at the burden and mercy of the wealth hoarders in capitalist societies. This columnist is basically paid to write against government control of industries by the private companies that run the media and try to discredit all attempts to end inequality especially for the young people. the disdain for the young and the movment for Bernie Sandrs was evident in a recent syndicated column by this joker. Jonah Goldberg compares the government running health care as stupid as running social media companies Facebook or Amazon as if being able to afford life is some comparison of to being able to get faster shipping through amazon. privatization and capitalism would and has only made superior health care for the rich and wealthy much like our beleaguered justice system and in this this cock-face asshole has no problem nor want government solutions or mandates to fix. young people know much more what an idealistic society than old people still wondering why Richard Dawson is  not hosting family feud on TV anymore. Goldberg like many conservatives and or libertarians blames Marx and all socialists for putting the world on path to murder and enslavement of millions as if somehow this number of crimes didn't occur under British, French, Dutch, and Spanish trade and mercantilism of the seas. The world had its brutal totalitarianism  well before the soviet union but this is irrelevant for paid writers to bash modern leftist thought and politics which a Jonah Goldberg clearly belongs in todays printed column media. Capitalists know how to exploit money and trade to their advantage to outlast socialist thought in many lands and whose effective control of government has been four times as more destructive than any socialist regime. This jack ass faced monkey needs to read more books on feudalism and international colonialism. this guy isn't a college professor I just made that up and he couldn't be one because he hates young people so much. Goldberg is an editor for the extreme right-wing publication called the National Review. So no go figure why he would be afraid of leafiest gains with the youth that the right-wing business classes cause by their closure of sharing the economy and cutting corners for profits.

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