Tom Ricketts tries to squeeze out Wrigly Field bars and neighborhood

Baxter Lomax
  The ugly Ted Cruz look-alike owner of the Chicago Cubs has harassed and got his way for most projects of suppose improvement in the ball park of the Cubs on the North side. Ricketts went into nodding on this beloved baseball team from this weird bizarre following of the worlds most slow and boring professional sport. Tom Rickett's over ambitious plans have finally hit major resistance when the son of a bitch wanted to open the largest beer garden in the Midwest. Past ownership of the Chicago cubs complained about the money local business took from the ball club through the various bar options fans had in and around the ball park and I knew sooner or later there would be a hedge fund type guy take over the team an go after the money directed at the bars. The area around Chicago Cubs subsidized park has perhaps the best bar per square mile trek and has for generations been a favorite pastime and main reason there even is a following for this loser baseball team in the dullest sport known to mankind which has had the pleasure of corporative spending to bail it out through the ages. Ricketts has dreamt of this beer garden that would over-serve 6000 people on game day well into the night up to midnight and he tried to bypass community engagement in deciding if this was a good idea. This fucker already tore down the only McDonalds worth going to through his project and need to reward construction contractors which is what these Chicago area big wigs often do always looking for more places to build even bigger and ore luxurious buildings.   This son of a bitch looks so much like Ted Cruz and undoubtedly his politics are similar to the stinking Texas senator who actually thought he could be president of the United states. You see in the corporate state an idiot can rise through the ranks much through family connectivity than actual talent and those who gain leverage in sports ownership through technology or finance operations should immediately have a red flag suspect tag on their ass.  This Tom Ricketts and most baseball owners are the greediest asses around and basically the reason these rich guys take over sports teams is to have more of an overall economic impact wherever and whenever they see fit in a display of power. Tom Ricketts has already put his imprint inside and outside the ball park scoping even more opportunities to turn the surrounding areas into one large parking lot and office building income revenue generating machine. It is guys like Tom Ricketts who turn the Chicago and other suburban areas into ugly cookie cutter visual cheapness areas. Ricketts wants to turn this neighborhood into a Cubbie mall. He  has hope for this same suburbanization of Wriglyeville if there is profit opportunities for himself. Make no mistake the bars along Clark Street are in jeapordy as long as this greedy fuck owns the team hating the fact others profit and ake oney through alcohol sales from his baseball tea, The creepy  creeping construction displacement goals and  corporate land grab that has been seen world-wide from Palestinian home destructions to Afghanistan banana stands being torn down has finally found its way to WrigleyField

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