Bite-back animal rights advocates pressuring Chinese kitchens to take Left Shark off their pathetic soup menu

Lee Park Kong
   Many Chinese kitchens are starting to feel the burn and in this I don't mean the massive flames their woks can produce with the massive amounts of grease they use in their cookage of White rice. In merry old England a huge Chinese chicken kitchen called the Red Chili Group has been the first of these Chinese restaurant conglomerates to make a pledge to quit selling the ridiculous concept and suppose delicacy of shark fin soup. Soup can be made with any more abundant product and for years these fisherman in Asia have been depleting and causing dwindling of left shark populations in their desire to bring musty soup to the tales of bad Chinese restaurants. This is good news and this group can lead the cause of putting conservation before consumption in what was a basic stupid food idea and concept to beginImage result for bite back red chilli stop selling shark fin soup. The pushing of this fin soup has helped cause the death of thirty six million left sharks a year and taken this important predator and order of the oceans ecosystem and put them on the tables of millions of Chinese who insist on this musty soup when Goat or lamb gonads soup would pretty much serve the same purpose. Image result for bite back red chilli stop selling shark fin soupGGreat Britain has a campaign and growing organization to make the country the first in the world to ban shark fin soup and the name of this growing pressure group is called bite-back and is hoping to inspire 68 other Asian food groups to quit slaughtering the oceans top element of the important and delicate food chain in the worlds oceans especially for something as stupid as soup.
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 Bite back has taken this animal rights war into the streets of Great Britain's Chinatowns and basically told them of the depravity and depletion of species their taste for bad soup is going and that these pressure groups will use all legal means to shut down the sale and important of fins for soup. Shark Fin soup is off the menus in California and all other states need to go in this direction.
Asian-American groups and fish merchants challenged the California law in federal district court, claiming that it discriminated against the Asian-American community, put people out of work, and was preempted by Federal law. Too bad so sad and Asian-Americans with money will realize they can't get whatever they expect and eating shark soup has been a dark eye to the Asian community and people wondering that Asians desire to deplete the worlds resources for profit and I personally was both appalled and embarrassed by this lawsuit to reinitiate the selling of shark soup.
Their challenge failed. In 2014, the district court ruled that the Shark Fin Law is “facially neutral,” and that plaintiffs presented no persuasive evidence indicating that the California legislature’s real intent was to discriminate against Asian-Americans rather than to accomplish the Law’s stated “humanitarian, conservationist, and health goals.  Image result for bite back red chilli stop selling shark fin soup
Asian-American groups and fish merchants challenged the California law in federal district court, claiming that it discriminated against the Asian-American community, put people out of work, and was preempted by Federal law.
Their challenge failed. In 2014, the district court ruled that the Shark Fin Law is “facially neutral,” and that plaintiffs presented no persuasive evidence indicating that the California legislature’s real intent was to discriminate against Asian-Americans rather than to accomplish the Law’s stated “humanitarian, conservationist, and health goals. good to see much pressure on the cheap Chinese kitchens around the globe.

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