Cecil Brewster
Donald Trump has realized something I have realized and many other people have through the years and that is Saturday night Live sucks and is basically political propaganda. piece The show hasn't been followed or popular in years and the quality of the skits and cast members has declined dramatically and this campaign season saw the worse of the worse in lame and unsubstantial political comedic discourse. The show has long been a bastion of liberal political propaganda often attacking Republican candidates and making a spoof off people until it rubs in the general society as people come to associate a politicians ineptness to Saturday night Live skits. it is did not work this time although the role of Saturday night Live in helping Hillary Clinton gain a million of more so votes should not be underestimated. Why else would this weekend TV program conduct so many political skits much more and so demeaning in nature as one would expect from a comedy series. The dressing down and hate of SNL and Sarah Palin was pathetic and needless to say many people including woman have been turned off by this TV programming which I have always said if you are watching live you are most likely a loser with nothing going on a Saturday Night. This program often has very political Democratic candidate hating and dressing up as the candidate of their disdain and one wonders if Alex Baldwin himself paid producers of Saturday Night live so much for his role as a bad and unfunny Donald trump that viewers had to be nauseated in looking at for so much. Donald trump went on the attack of this silly propaganda programing NBC has had for some forty years without ever plans for ever changing the programming in this timeslot. there is a reason for this and much of it has to be political as this is the role of the lameness of a Saturday night Live program
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