SE Cupp wondering why old man Donald Trump keeps tweeting

Carl Olsen
   Se Cupp is some sort of journalist given a platform to express herself some would say as a fake conservative. Se Cupp's biggest glory and fame is the fact she looks like a librarian about to give head in a porno and sometimes many wonder how a writer like her even got to be in the position of a columnist and she expressed distress that president trump's constant tweeting could backfire and that he should be like Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and stick with paper and pen. Trump's tweeting is  a result response to what he believes is constant misrepresentation on part of the national media and writers like SE Cupp as many writers have a personal grudge with Trump's candidacy tobegin with as it is not favorite of the global trade class long never accustomed to  expecting any opposition to their dominance.Image result for donald trump tweet Donald Trump has the first amendment  of free speech to tweet and if the twitter world don't like this idea they can choose not to follow him and follow more important people in their minds such as P Diddy or Justin Beiber. Just to say that president Trump should not use twitter because past presidents didn't or likely wouldnt is just stupid and dumb especially given how effective he has used it from coming way behind to the corporate political mainstream preferred candidate and sending the old bitch into retirement with her corrupt husband former president Bill Clinton. Donald trump is pnly two months into his presidency and will tweet like there is no tomorrow as he has an incendiary  SE Cupp and other conservatives not aboard the Trump express actually support foreign global influence on our system and the money that flows only into cities politically dividing the nation.on economic terms and thus exasperating the situation and by all indications journalist TV annalist SE Cupp lives in a city with alot of bars and trendy restaurants.

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