Sam Harris has three country jet-flying and constant border crossing globalist journalist Anne Applebaum on his podcast and Sam considers running for president in 2020

Leonardo McGregor
   Neuroscience and verbal snob Sam Harris has bought the narrative form the mainstream media and anti-Trump crowd that Russia has determined the election and should be taken to task. A Sam Harris might not have said the same thing about the Gulf States Arab oligarchs meddling in the affairs of US elections a d donating half of their profits for the Clinton Foundation but also the consciousness of Harris and his vocabulary-centric think tank brain is added to the list of the anti-Trumpers. Sam Harris is a clown and his conversation with Anne Applebaum is further proof this jerk is extending an olive branch to the liberals who have attacked him because he questioned their love affair with the tyranny of social control called Islam. Sam Harris had this unrelenting critic of Trump historian so upset that she has yet to see their first elected female president of America.
Anne saw political tactics of Doald Trump that she said reminded her of Joseph Stalin and the cossacks in Ukraine. sam Harris is disgusted a man of limited vocabulary and smartness of Trump and fucking fancy pants thinks he can do a better job. Sam Harris is considering running for office and perhaps challenging Donald Trump for president in 2020. Anne feels the conservative movement in her three globalist citizen countries have left her and as a good globalist Anne blasted the gains of the far -right in her three countries of America,Poland, and Great Britain . As a good centralist this globalist woman blasted Trump for his ultra-nationalist views that puts one country ahead of others which upsets her. Harris also blasted Donald J Trump as a liar for the wiretapping accusation against Barack Obama administration wiretapping the Trump suite in the Trump motel. Mr Fancy pants though doesn;t see his own hypocrisy of the lies of Russian and Trump connections that has the same amount of evidence but fuck head Sam doesn't see these irrelevancies\.
It is more plausible to think the outgoing Obama administration desperate to maintain power through Hillary Clinton and that they would spy on Trump looking for dirt than Russian-Trump alliance just to stiff the Clinton. Applebaum and Harris had no direct evidence rump purposely lied on anything and basically their hour conversation consisted of propaganda and that they don't like Trump or his policies that put America first and not the global suits and fancy pants. This bitch Anne Applebaum is just mad Trump is president and not another corrupt Clinton that puts global citizens with money on a higher citizenship plateau than ordinary Americans as this is who the foreign lead Democratic Party serves this day of age.

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