British nerd podcaster elitiest John Oliver buys debt to make himself look good

Carl "Lazy" Olsen
   John Oliver is some old moneyed British bastard who rose through the ranks of YouTube and podcast and comedy world from his fortunes and he now has a Stephan Colbert talk show out in occupied England. John Oliver is a fake news pushing "progressive" whose own massive fortunes is trying to buy himself into the celebrity world instead of the old days of actually being funny and talented on ones own. This guy has bought a hot wife,he has bought himself onto the bugle Podcast, he has bought himself a TV talk show and now the nerd has bought himself 15 million dollars of other peoples medical debt that he quickly forgave live on air as some tribute to himself with a message of what a great guy this nerd may be despite all of his money.
John Oliver was not actually buying other peoples debt and trying to help them out but he was buying A) publicity for himself. B) propaganda against private health insurances as he wishes to see all tax payers foot more of their money for the lazies and obese eaters out there. and C) Some Ponzi scheme as this fifteen dollars will eventually be returned to this overly wealthy man as the medical debts likely was fake news and his money given to hedge fund managers who fund progressive media. Make no mistake this medical debt purchase is just political propaganda bu the skyscraper living and jet moving global elites who use media hacks like John Oliver and Jimmy Fallon to spread their misinformation and lies to scam systems and make the average person poorer and elites more out of touch living in an ever-increasing separate world apart with in this planet.

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