Tony Miselli
Professor crazed fake doctor Clotaire Rapaille is a globalist banker and reptilian psychopath who thinks the worlds jet hopping class is deserving of all the money in the world. Dr Rapaille is a sick french globalist who wrote a disturbing book called "The Global Code" where he basically says the super elite kleptocracy are deserving and rewarding of all the money and luxury items that they steal off the back of the common man. The advocate from this bankster jackass is a sickening read from this sorry sack of shit who has worked at or with Boeing,Fidelity Investments,Citibank,general Electric,IBM,Honda, Johnson and Johnson, and Procter and Gamble.
He says that we should back of the casino style risk taking and gambling of the global economy of the elites because they are smart,special, and have reptilian minds. Dr Coltaire Rapaille is deserving of a pie in his fucking face at the least and this guy showed his love of the special bndnes of the global class and how to identify them form their special ability to hoard wealth for themselves and
cronies and buy the unique clothing and jewelry which signifies them as being of the printed money classes and basically reptilians. The sicking vision and success of this global banking scumbag global criminal class is basically alien and reptilian in general and maybe professor Rapaille is a fucking reptilian. The avocation and specialness that this jerk puts forward for the sky people always flying and making business deals to steal wealth of nations is deserving of a kick in this fuck faces ass.
It is jackasses like this Frenchman why there have and will continually be revolutions in human history as greed and corruption is a global phenomena spread like a disease by this parasitic cross-bordering special class. This guys book can be nauseating to read as he often makes mention of the reptilian mind and instead he needs to be talking of the psychopathic mind that his bankster classes have in causing human misery and destruction. there is nothing special of a corrupt elite class with the ability to use their money to buy their way out of criminal prosecution from the illegal activity that the vast majority of the global tribe has committed in creating wealth from declining the living standards of others on earth. This clown particularly loves Singapore as the graft allocated by Indian and Chinese merchant class in Asia has often been distributed to members of the French and British elites in these respective global empires
The domination and creation of the elite brands makes a huge chunk of this written garbage as he writes pleasure of this reptilian thinking people having these exclusive products available at a very high priced to mock the average middle and underclass preventing them from purchase. This slimeball is proud this degree of exclusivity exists and the author gives a in-depth history of the global tribe and how trade among nations is key for this system to continue despite setbacks from an angry populace through the year. In this book professor Rapaille tells the reader hos this greedy class operates and the important fake charities and balls they have by invitation only creating a clear divide of their group form others. He writes where this reptilian class travel to and hang around and how their connections and contacts enable them to dominate government and set todays tastes and trends. He tells the reader how they buy expensive quarters and pack little as they hop from jet to jet and location to location moving money around and using it to fund each other projects that mainly benefit themselves and their exclusive group. he is happy they have no one nations and are like a flock of flying geese going to where money is deserving and this is the usual city-states that they prefer to use to dominate nations through politics, trade, business, and real estate over-valuing condos and creating a ponzi scheme of new housing only they can afford and much of which sits empty that really makes this evil jagoff elated. technology is referred by these globalists as surveillance is often volunteered and disent easily monitored by the technocrats and their police armies. The french author loves the special perverted culture of this tribe where women are often judged by beauty and the flirtatious of mens wives often on display as Mr Rapaille's measly cock gets hard as other men look at his wife and other french diplay of perversion.
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