Colin Kapernick sits on his couch this season and will not be going to the Super Bowl

Leroy Yost
 Poor Colin Kapernick. all he wanted to do was make a point at how bad some cops are as some may act like the thugs and black gang criminals they have to police and deal with in many communities across America. Colin Kapernick was riding high with a steady and high-income athletic career that has now been railroaded and seen tremendous turmoil. Colin Kapernick sees himself sitting on the sidelines of life and is now an average Joe Colin fuck with no mo opportunities to sit and make a statement in front of cameras. Colin Kapernick can still make a name for himself playing football in Canada or appearing at Veterans Day or memorial Day public ceremonies and sitting during the anthem. In fact, Colin Kapernick should be an entrepreneur and find new ways to insult patriotic individuals and event with this talented ability to sit and knell making a political racial issue. The antoipathy this shit head helped spread in his short career is subject to examination and maybe one day a doctor will exam Colin's rectal cavities to discover some disorder.
Colin Kapernick now has to find a new gig to pay the bills perhaps as a barista in a local Caribou Coffee. whatever he does it is clear Colin Kapernick and his balls will not be going to the Super Bowl and he may one day regret his decision to use his name and fame to make an ass out of himself assume that the NFL owners would not have black-balled his silly carmel Obama-looking  mulatto ass for making a mockery of NFL football and giving it all sorts of bad reputation. The man is about as Black as John McCain and Kapernick should of shut up,known his role, and stood up for anthem and played some football as God intended his ass and blessed him with talent to run around and throw a ball at times if needed.

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