Nomi Prins blasts Donald Trump and considers a presidential run in 2020

Carl Olsen
   Nomi Prins is added as another person throwing herself into challenging Donald Trump for president in 2020 as she wrote an article complaining of Donald trump running America as one of his businesses. Nomi wrote a piece about Mr Trump and his clever tax returns that liberal progressives all wish to see on people who they disagree with politically but then say shit when its someone they like.  Nomi also doesn't like Donald trump promoting tax cuts for mega-corporations and wealthy individuals but the fact is last time I checked it is they who provide jobs and add important value in the economy and not the poor.
Nomi also says president Trump has alienated the global economy and may now have these countries competing and trading with one another look to scam the other countries instead of scamming the American worker and shipping jobs overseas to the advantages of our partners and allies. Nomi Prins says Trump- is running country to benefit to himself and his offspring and how this is any different than five term Democratic senators or congressmen is something Nomi left out in her teething attack on Donald trump. Nomi Prins bashes bankers but she will be asking them for help and handouts as she runs and challenges Donald J Trump in a couple of years for the presidency of this country and she tried to be the first female president. Nomi says Trump is unqualified as a business leader to be president because he has been sued so much in his lifetime and the fact that trump has been sued pretty much is an indication of his success and that som many go after him because of his money and wealth. I wonder if Ms Prins recalls Trumpo is from new York City which is the racketeer capital of the world and the idea that they can afford lawyers and use the court systems and abuse business in America is nothing new. Prins doesn't play golf and says president trump and his cronies take to the golf course as business class pays for access to him and play golf as much as trump does which is another reason she says trump has failed the white-working class. perhaps she would rather see Trump change oil in a driveway in Hicksville, New York. Ms Prins is so mad too bad that this man is preisdent and basically a president is going to be sualyy a wealthy man an expert at the art of the deal and how to handle situations and cut negotiations in the usual envirnments but of course ms Prins is never goig to be rpesident but is free to run in 2020.

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