Baba Pugwuthi
Recep Tayipp Erdogan is creating more and more an totalitarian state with mass arrests as this man goes full dictator further threatening more Kurdish cities. The genocidal maniac Mr Erdogan is pushing Turks into more and more of a genocidal attitude that has been seen many time sin Turkey's past and recent demonstration by Kurds in Germany were hoping to point this out .Inexorably Erdogan has arrested some two dozen journalists and accused them recently of being members of a terrorist organization and this jackass mad dictator has totally transofmred what was once a free press into a empty shell mouthpiece for this radical Islamicist rule that Tayipp Erdogan has helped bring about in recent years. This son of a bitch also wants to make adultery illegal again in Tiurkey and install anew period of misogyny bringing about this brutality against women in Turkistan as the law is 98% always targeting women. The lies of Erdogan love religion because it can be sued as a tool aginast women and others so effectively in society.
Turkey has totally fallen form norms of democracy,human rights, and rule of law into a lawless brutal society as bad as the ruling cleric mullah zombies in Iran. Recep Erdgoan also announced death to any Americans fighting for the Kurds as according to our sources news reports of Western and American volunteers fighting tyranny and against the creeping sharia promoted by this fuck face and Erdogan was so angry at one Michigan man in particular who was injured and came back to America bragging about bagging ISIS and Turks. He is one of just many volunteers heading out to the Mid East and taking on Erdogan's thugs and helping defend the Kurds and help them of the long injustices of not having a state of their own despite numbering in the thirty millions. Recep Tayipp is so angered that he has ordered his troops to kill any blond hair American or Western European citizens found fighting alongside Americans and hopefully democratic loving Indians and othe Hindus volunteer as well into Kurdistan and help the Kurds drive out the Turks form this region as the Kurds need help on all quarters. The amount of volunteerism for the Kurds is similar to the number of men who traveled to Spain to fight facists and communists prior to World War II.
Just like Erdogan is lending money and helped fuel the Islamic State in the past decade many Westerners are funding and helping the Kurdish achieve a army to fight the Turkish demons and sharia-driven networks off the face of the Earth. Many brave Americans and Democratic inspire Westerners have joined the cause and armies of the Kurds and if I was younger I would as well ne on the front lines fighting against the evils fo Recep Tayipp Erdogan. The same madness tha is driving Erdogan is a part of Islam that displaces so many Hindius and Buuddahists through the years and is why ther eis a backlash agians t Muslims even in htese lands and a glonbal united front agianst spreading totalitarian Islamic push globally
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