David Pakman gleeful at Alex Jones banishment and hopes Rush Limbaugh is next to go on YouTube and Facebook

  Peter Patel
Argentine and Israeli globalist David Pakman hosts a podcast on YouTube where he rants daily for fifteen minutes against president Trump and his supporters who elected Mr Trump instead of allowing another Clinton coronation to benefit the global trade pushing classes and those who financially benefit form such deals. David Pakman and his ilk are responsible for much of the poverty that exists as they try to divide America and seek to put blame on Republicans for why there are such poor people in the world.
David Pakman came aboard his award losing podcast and congratulated Facebook and YouTube and he took strong issues by Jack Dorsey and his Twitter product for not quickly following suit and banning Alex Jones, as king David calls a scourge and enemy of democracy and a fountain of misinformation as Gorilla Monsoon would say all of the time. Pakman heavily criticized the Twitter CEO for his consternation of banning Alex Jones like the other major social media monopolists.
Mr Pakman is happy that social media finally decided to act on this clown Jones and he said they should not have acted at the same time but each had a gradual banning through time at the countless incendiary things said by Alex Jones. David Pakman should take heed though that he too can see this YouTube videos and access to this social media platform banned for his political discussion and thought and Pakman's head is not thinking clearly as he even put out that he hopes Rush Limbaugh is banned from on-line media accounts as well. David Pakman wishes to silence all those who do not have an extreme liberal political thought process and wish and this is painfully obvious. Pakman encouraged his audience to put the same amount of pressure on these social media giants that his liberal audiences put on YouTube and Facebook to attack and hack Alex Jones and his presence on these sites for his followers to have more easy access to his words .

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