Finally Bill Maher cexpressed their interestomes on Sam Harris podcast along with plutocratic director Larry Chalres and lie about the state of affiars and politcal thought in America

 Cody Maloney
    Bill Maher is a ultra-liberal loudmouth of too much political opinion and thought in this country. Bill Maher came on Sam Harris's waking Up podcast and pretty much lied in every word he said and t  egregious continual lie that America is a left of center liberal country is one much of the left like this scumbag repeat over and over again. This is a conservative country and no amount of importing of liberal dependent illegals will change this fact and Maher lives on an island of liberalism smoke bubble if he thinks it is a liberal country. I would even be willing to say much of New York and Los Angeles is conservative as well but the threats and domination of the vocal and harassing left makes people keep it repressed. These two  lie about gun rights polls and basically all the polls they speak up the respondents were usually people who think like them. Whenever you hear liberals or progressives lay claim about some polls it is a lie and meant to carry weight and lend support to their sid eof the pendulum and these three bastards kept bringing  up the support of gay rights and polls moving in that direction that likely most of these polls were conducted through the years in urban gay friendly areas.
Maher appeared with plutocratic director Larry Charles for an hour of propaganda on Harris's podcast and more ignorance of their fake news of how most people are liberal and progressive and believe in people having rights to marry puppets and animals. Maher and these other two clowns also expressed their interest in seeing free speech only reserved to those who think liberally such as themselves and their dominance on the mainstream media gives the false notion they speak of this being a libtard country when in fact this isn't and liberal socialist  candidates have no appeal.
The real authoritarians are not the strongman in power as these two  jokers claim, bit it is the global and protesting funded left. Maher and Harris bash Trump and see him as a threat and not that the mainstream media is held by a small contingent of plutocrats who get to direct the nests and manipulate society with their programming and propaganda and they will never say this because Maher is part of the system.
A Bill Maher and other celebrities helped bring about this backlash and anger from the American public disgusted by the liberal agenda and how far it is willing to go low to discredit Trumps major n reforms needed to improve pour country and economy. . Bill Maher  is a chump asshole with an asshole fuck face  always has been pone and always will . Ditto for Sam Harris as well as this is a weasel so desperate to learn the most proper vocabulary so he sounds important and will be accepted for his views and be part of the elites and hang with such and be taken seriously and be loved by the urban yuppie class funding auditorium speaking forums. Maher and Harris were joined by executive media and television producer,director and writer of liberal
television programs and obviously the industry they exist is scattered brain and obsessive about Trump because the gains and advantages they have held in their cable and programming 600 channel but little viewed monopoly is under direct threat and attack by president Trump. these three men fear that their prolonged war against Christianity and American values is facing a new test and confrontation by the likes of Trump and his followers and is why these three

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