Alex Mouslopolououlous
Columnist John Kass is a jackass and recently wrote a column glad that Elizabeth Warren didn't proclaim to be Greek. Kass made a whole big joke wondering what Warren would say and try to proclaim if she wanted to be Greek and the whole fluidity and whole ethnic identity obsessions need to be discussed. Kass is Greek but how much Jew, Turk, and Arab DNA flows through his veins one must wonder. I'm sure if they analyze Warren's fake DNA test they might come across more Greek in her than Native Indian. Most Greeks regulated now to a tiny Mediterranean rock country actually come form ancestors who lived in Asia Minor and all along the Mediterranean. Elizabeth Warren or her family must of suffered from a disease to make claim of distant Pow Wow tribal ancestors and this disease likely is white liberal progressive guilt. These are the same people who rushed to purchase Chinese Asian kids and adopt them by the thousands in the nineties so they could lay claim to this multi-multiculturalism ideal and have a yellow kid who could go to school on our taxes and ahhh become a yellow journalist of fake news and be bought and paid for mainstream news bought by China.
Mos tof the modern Jews of Israel have lineage form all corners and the intertwining of the global class mainly Italian and Jew has something to do with this ability to move about easily and is why they are globalists. Italian Jews have had a long strangled hold on Wall Street and are often loud and crude and abusive (Think Robert DeNiro ,Sylvester Stallone) The DNA of modern Jews must be filled with the natives of many lands and stans .
Likewise the Scotch-Irish and the early pioneers coming to America that would eventually become the Bo and Luke Dukes didn't even know if they were Scotch or Irish and called themselves both. The DNA of these people must make John Kass wonder and one must wonder if the Duke klan has any Indian DNA given their love of bows and arrows.
The Scotch-Irish of America settler time just didn't want to be identified with their hated English and moved West and battled Redskins or intermarried with them to get away from the Yankee coastal elites throwing apples in their faces as soon as they got off the boat as seen in Gangs Of New York. Most of these DNA tests are scientific rip off claims and pretty much lies as pinpointing exactly what peoples lineage is not really traceable and these companies popping peoples pockets in the tune of some hundreds is a stunt and scam that should be examined. John Kass wants to know what Bo and Lukes ancestors and I say it could be Welsh or Scandinavian kinship. It could also be iller Khan Mongolian or Gilligan Island Polynesian. It is all fluid .
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