Chinese empire and president Xi proud of fake robot soccer and threatens nuclear World War III with Taiwan

Zachary Zuckerberg
    China is  wired with the ability and  cutting edge of making little robot things, but unfortunately all they can muster at this time is some little machine soccer thingies that run on the field and win competition with other international nerds of robot waste.. China will be the worlds larges producer of machine gadgets that move about like a rug cleaner and unlikely the development of robots will not further advance no matte how much money Chinese universities throw into the development. Apparently the Chinese can't win at global soccer competitions and they are striving to be the best robot soccer producers and competitors  and one must wonder if robot  ping pong will come out as this too sees beyond the advancement opportunities for robotics development. Basically China is pushing all this money into lame and unnecessary waste because it is a one-state monopolistic entity and this so-called advancements nothing except possibly two hundred years m now produce a team comparable ahhh to ehh the 1984 Chicago Sting. China should consider producing robots to produce socks in sweat shops and saving people form this FOXCONN type slavery and brutality. My brother is a China booster  and other technocrats love China because they are a repressive slave work society that can make the authoritarian decisions to fund research and allocate research for fucking robotic ping pong and smoking gongs.

hem in the ass The Chinese are neurotic and eccentric people who both feel a superiority to the rest of the world and an inferiority complex to Japan and the West given the reality of the past and how they were over whelmed and this best explains why they are so interest and hopeful artificial intelligence and robotics wil give them an edge on the rest of the world.
President XI is a madman leader like no other that foolisj Western leaders and business  people help propel and push through dealings and business and now it is biting them in the ass. The recent threats against the sovereignty of Taiwan should not  be taken lightly as the neurotic and decapitating  Chinese empire gets more and more ore impatient with Taiwan's existence and its continuation continues to give the right-wing fanatical Chinese nationalists heartaches that they try to pass by watching silly robotic soccer and ping pong in filled stadiums. president XI has been distracted enough demanding that his robots win RoboCup 2018 as the Chinese bots beat the Americans four to nada in international competition in Montreal. However.
Xi pie face was awoken to reality as Taiwan president Tsai Ing-Wen again stated that Taiwan is ready to go independence much to the dismay and ramped up threats of the Chinese dictator. Xi is an undemocratic shit-faced jackass that fears a democratic version and alternative of a Chinese state and he knows in a real honest election one on  one with Tsai Ing-Wen he would lose in a landslide as few people wish and have the desire to live in a dictatorship and authoritarian state that JinPig pinhead Xi has established so ruthlessly in Chinastan with he and his army of robot soccer products that China will dominate a fake economic market and fill a need.

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