Dave Dborki wishes a flat tax for the milions given to him for bad videas and podcast

Neil Knight
   Dumb Dave Dborik makes millions as some globalist favorite son instead of a few bucks an hour working at Jiffy Lube and recently he came on his hugely popular vlogcast to companion to his co-host Jason Nash that he and other rich people were being taxed too much.
Dobrik called for a flat tax and stated that it was unfair for people who make so much more money than others to be taxed at such a higher rate as he makes millions and millions of freebie dollars for little content or importance of work. Dborik has no shame and even his older radio partner seemed shocked and appalled that Dborik would say such a greedy and money grubbing political economic nonsense. Wealthy people use top be taxed at 90-% tile and this is what built and made America great and a magnet for immigrants such as this 19 year old prick who thinks he knows everything and is entitled to more money for talking about left coast celebrities and always talking about Snoop Dogg ghetto low-class rappers. Only greedy plutocrats or their hacks in the media like Dave Dobrik think a flat tax where everyone of all incomes pay the same percentage of tax rate is fair as these people already make bogus inflated incomes at much higher percentage than importance or workload done for the economy and Dumb Dave Dobrik knows this and is jsut filled with lsut and greed and now anger when he has to pay taxes to his Uncle Sam and he is lucky he don;t stay in the Balkans and pay Unvle Boris the right to till fields and fuck sheep.

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