Sam Harris comes of Joe Rogan's podcast and knocks call out culture and bitch about not getting more money for his on-line podcast content

  Jason Percy
    Neurologist Sam Harris appeared on Joe Rogan's  podcast and they talked about his recent interview with twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and the amount of criticism coming form this blog and other on-line outlets about how Joe Rogan asked softball questions and allowed Dorsey to escape without answering why Twitter is such a snowflake libtard organization allowing liberals to fill it with hate while patriots and Republicans are booted off like puss in boots rushes towards the kitty litter.
Sam wasted a ton of time talking about himself and how he was attacked by the left for the things he said on his little-listened to podcast and in reality Mr Harris needs to man up grow some pubic on his balls and go back on the attack against his detractors using his articulate and incredible vocabulary. Sam Harris talked of how much twitter nonsense he gets and why it seems celebrities and liberals like Kathy Griffen full their tweets with so much hate yet see no threat to their twitter handles and accounts.Harris needs to stand up to these lefties scum and attack ahhhhhhh the likes of Sam Sedar who every other sentence comes out a big ahhhh as he doesn't have the word vocabulary and knowledge of a Sam Harris. Rogan and Harris also spoke of the media and activist contrived event and confrontation for Nick Sandleman and the Covington High School and this incident awoke many people up as to how the mainstream news media (CNN,MSNBC, CBS) think the country are stooges and attempts to decry a politically evil and charges attack on Trump supporters and Republicans as racists to spur up minorities and other urban bubbliest domineers of the economy to raise money and put int into the pockets of politicians and their corrupt partites and industry.
Harris again though ruined another conversation about on-line content with his usual lame complaint for payment and content for a cheap costing content and said if people can pay five dollars for coffee they need to pay men like hi  five dollars an episode so he can have  a awesome money income flow and generate cash reserves to create a media entity for himself. If Neurologist Sam Harris wishes to be paid as a Neurosurgeon brain surgeon then he needs to become one or perhaps he should buy into a Dunkin Donuts franchise or open up his own coffee house as few people are willing to give up great coffee to hear a babbling hour long dull podcast and pay for its content. Harris needs to end his obsession with people spending money on coffee and not his neurologist podcast and he needs to get his ass on more speaking tours and public shows like Joe Rogan if he wants to make some serious money or just accept advertisers he can trust to promote and be on his show. Perhaps I can suggest my beloved Dunkin Donuts.

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