Gastron Giroux
Make no mistake Jared Diamond is a globalist likely wishing there were no borders and in reading his books through the years this fact is painfully obvious. Jared Diamond is a world traveler and like many people living in many nations Jared Diamond thinks every nation is in crisis always on the brink and the hope Jared Diamond and other swish to see as a future is one where there are no nation and a New World order of people and the elites backing the work and travels of academics like hims while exploiting mobile labor.
Jared Diamond writes in "Upheavel" his latest book of a few nations he has lived in the past and a bit of these nations brutal history and in it i he gives the same liberal lame excuse for need of increased migration allowances saying such nonsense that Japan doesn't have enough immigrants and actions need to open themselves up to newcomers etc etc. Now here did Diamond speak of the the upheaval of millions of millions of Mexicans and Syrians into other countries because this is an agenda that Jared seeks and supports though his books. Diamond is also a piece of shit saying and hoping for a massacre of gunmen killing over five hundred people will get the gun control leftists like him demand as he said in this book and in an interview with and he seemed to be encouraging hoping that it occurs against school children as this man is so fucking sick in the head. If something like this occurred it would be game over for the liberalism and the left. This goofy daw Diamond says of modern nations don't adapt to change they are kaput which is nonsense and in reality this University of California jackass professor is pushing for constant change and the new monetary forces demanding it. There is no need for Japan not to be Japan nor really anything wrong if a nation is successful where their citizens live a full life and there are more older people in a society because people in a nation are bright and successful and know how to live longer than stone age societies that Jared feels is somehow getting snubbed by not living as long as the Japanese. Diamond also spent alot of time talking about Chilean politics and the Finnish resistance to Russian aggression as if somehow a small snow-mobile army's resistance to a larger red army is indicative of anything and if anything the Soviet/Russian Army Russian Bear in the last two hundred years has a history of being inept whether in campaigns whether fighting Japanese, in Crimea,Afghanistan, or Finland. The Soviets were also in a disastrous losing war against Poland following the first world war and socialist policies and countries one can say is always in upheaval as who wants to fight a war where there is no hope to attains property or wealth for generations.
Jared Diamond doesn't like the idea of the nation state based on ethnicity and cultural identity of race or nationality and this is why he focuses in this book on the nations he doesn't like and claim an absurd amount of failures by the nation states in its developing and crisis through the years. Professor Diamond brings the same amount of bullshit to this third trilogy of books as he does within the lecture halls of his courses as another know everything academic who believes what he says are facts and claims in their warfare against the nation state.
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