Max Keiser and wife Stacey remind viewers that Wall Street tried to package WeWork as some fake 150 billion dollar ocmpnay as he blasts Adam Nueman a new ass

      Casey Kelso
   The corruption and bamboozoling of Wall street is always evident and recently YouTube star Max Keiser and his girl Stacey Herbert explained how Wall Street tried to bundle and screw over investors and pension funds by packaging the atrocity of WeWork as some really really valuable company when in reality it wasn't worth ther human fecal matter found on sixth street in San Francisco. . WeWork allowed global Jews form Israel l including its top executive Adan Neumann to live like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg for a while and this was basically the whole scam as this one son of a bitch blew through so  much millions of undeserved paper that   it would of made Howard Stern blush.
Adam Neuman and WeWork is just one of many companies that get over-valued and new value is created and wealth distributed to the hands of a few who then purchase other assets like sports teams as we have seen with Mark Cuban and Tom Ricketts.

Keiser said that in order for Wall Street to continue this game they need to package these worthless companies and fool people for a while of the value so these companies can be snicked into peoples pensions and  retirement programs and then when the company fall flat as they often do after a few y years of the CEOs living like a king then it is the pensioner who get screwed over and basically Wall street and other markets including the protesting Hong Kong exchanges are virtually scams of the one percent deserving of occupation as seen in New York some years back by protesters or now in Hing Kong by both the police and
protesters. Max Keiser has called for Trump to occupy federal troops and virtually annihilate the operations for Wall Street and how it is run screwing the real workers often allowing jackasses internationalist foreigners like Adam Neumann to purchase and own properties and buy up real estate in Canada and America. The business news media tried to push this Israeli national as some entrepreneur rock star but like most entrepreneurs their ideas suck and there is never a market for most of their products yet this economy is so scrambled eggs Wall street and other global financial center prop them up in order to achieve the high level of mistrust for government and inequality in society allowing the cross borders open migration advocated power and to continue their charade and advocacy. Adam Neumann was quite literally a neurotic and eccentric asshole and psychopath a perfect figure Wall Street figured deserving of fake value and millions printed by the federal reserve before a backlash against this son of a bitch developed and Wall Street needs a major investigation for their meddling in American politics along with those of many other nations. Without  doubt I believe this psycho path Adam Neumann along ria with other young urban executives and hustler engineer of then corrupt system likely would have been Rodney Alcala type serial killer if not being financially rewarded in this pirate system and global economy that needs  be crushed. 

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