Modern day Ottomon Turkish suprmacist soccer play Mesut Ozil says nothing of Armenian massacre of of Tipan Sultan and genocide of Mangaloean Catholics

  Denny Watson
    China state officials pulls the plug of a global telecast boring soccer game between Arsenal and some other lame team in the English premier League in response to Islamic supremacist soccer player and modern day Ottoman Mesut Ozil's often criticism for China treating its Muslim minorities in much the same manner Muslim empires  in the past and and modern nations treated their non-Muslim populations often resulting in stans and lands today that lack diversity and are overwhelming Muslim.  No where in radical Muslim arsenal soccer players Mr Ozil's message are historical accounts of the massive atrocities his people caused to Armenians is ever discussed as this modern day sharia is instead focused on the plight  of terrorist Uighurs who have the radical beliefs of Isalmo racism and beliefs of our favorite YouTube propagandist Cenk Uygur. Mr Ozil often prays before the kickoff when cameras area ll around in his desperate attempt to shove and promote his silly lifestyle and religion but the joke is on him as most human beings want nothing to do with the Koran or the repressive shit that come with this cult.
China obviously sees Islam as a threat given the prevalence of terrorism as the data show 97% of the terrorism seen around the world since the seventies were indeed caused by nuts who believe everything one read sin the Koran and has a desire to oppress others who don;t pray and act as them. This man is a personal friend of fiendish Turkish religious extremist dictator Tayiip Erdogan who
purchased a hot wife for Mesut and basically the English Premier League is a bought and disguised political global entity for global shariaism and radial Muslims putting a global transborder rosters featuring primarily Muslim ballers in Great Britannia as the Muslim infidels have a long range goal of total take over of the dying remnants  of the British Empire that traitorous Western and British White businessmen allowed this Brown and Turkic race to purchase and use for political leverage throughout the world and this manipulation of the Global Premier League now has drawn the wrath  of the
Chinese empire.  China has rightfully responded by the agitation of Erdogan and this Young Turk punk who is he didn't dribble a ball with his footise nobody would care about and indeed much of the world doesn't despite the massive money to prop up African and Arab, and Turkic soccer player son a premier stage that their  shit hole countries never could a mass such fiances and a league on their own. . Mesut keeps referring to China's Western provinces as Eat Turkmenistan as this is a global sharia surge to create a Muslim sate within China's borders and China has responded in full a against this agitation form this creepy looking Turk. Mr Ozin serves the  Turkish supremacists and expansionists with his seething attacks on China and the situation with the terrorist society that is the Uighur nation. China will be dammed if they allow their civilization to be bordered by a Afgnaistan Muslim extremist shit hole arms smuggling state and whether this soccer jackass likes it or not China will repress the shit out of Islamic radicals much as the West and Arabia does battle. This Turk says nothing of the historical actions and brutalities of Muslims including Sultan Tipans massacre of  Mangaloean Catholics in India  circa 1780's and so forth as history is filled with atrocities and genocide committed by Muslims as this soccer player only sees battles and internment from one angle. They have taken gimpy's ugly image off soccer on-line games in China and will refuse to air any soccer matches (yes it is always be refereed to
soccer in America) in China that highlight or feature this Turkish son of a bitch with deep state pockets brought forth by NATO,Blue America, and traitorous Eurabians wishing to destroy Christianity in Europe and replace it with Shariaism. Mesut need not to worry about what goes on in China an if he has a problem he can go to China and agitate for Uighur East Turkmenistan's people. He will be ale to learn more about the sport of basketball and China's love of it in a Chinese prison yard. the media converting this goof fuck keep referring to this Turk as a fucking German when obviously he isn't and this is part of the plan to get people thinking that somehow fucking Turks can be Germans or Englishmen and China is not seeing the radical power of brutal Islamification attempts of the global order.

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