Railroaded like Matt Hale Joe Exotic found guilty of murder for hire and will be fed to the Lions

     Aaron Luther
Animal Stories
    Fame former YouTube Superstar and zoo owner of his own private Zoo Joe Exotic otherwise known as Joseph Maldonado-passage  was sentenced to death the other day for his murder for hire accusations of a woman in Florida. Joe Exotic was also found guilty of animal neglect and abuse and murder of animals and the death sentence many found appropriate as Mr exotic will be fed to the Lions upon appeal by his lawyers for the next 30 years. Eventually Joe will be fed to the Lions and how this man was sentenced to death when the victim was not even killed is still beyond words and explanation. This man, like Illinois white supremacist Matt Hale, was railroaded by the feds and this egregious is over example over stretch of the federal government going after somebody they don't like or agree with in the often outspoken YouTube video sensation zookeeper Joe Exotic. The  feds will railroad and bring down people they don't like as Matt Hale found out many decades ago in Illinois and now this exotic clownish hillbilly found out this week as he was sentenced
Joe Exotic was no Joe the plumber and he was a cocky arrogant our parents wealthy bastard who had like a hundred lions and tigers and bears on his property in the rural redneck backwaters I'll be there Oklahoma or Texas. I don't remember which state he's from or what sentence but I do know he was found guilty of conspiring to kill some woman in Florida. Joe Exotic also was a presidential candidate or governor candidate in Oklahoma a few moons ago and I don't believe he was successful in his libertarian Party candidacy.
The sentance  sentence for Joe Exotic got me to thinking about how the feds can really real Road and go after people and once again we will make the call Adam and then mad Hale of Illinois should be released as he is served much more of a longer sentence than some of these serial killers in serial rapists and show exotic should not be serving 22 years in prison himself handed a death sentence of being fed to the Lions because he was a long time exotic big can't zookeeper.
Well I don't defend private zookeepers and this man was an arrogant ass whole of extreme Measures the sentence that was given by the federal government or otherwise known as feds was a bit extreme and harsh Joe Exotic silly ass hillbilly who like to collect tigers and call them his sons and eventually this man would have been killed by one of his own adopted beasts. Joe Exotic is insane in the membrane and should your whole life long ago ,but I guess the feds set him up and wanted him in a federal prison where they can keep track in cage him like the beasts of Burden he kept confined in his private zoo in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma fly by country.
Joe Exotic was a redneck ugly motherfuker and he reminds me a lot of people I seen in the past ranging from Diamond Dallas Page to that Bounty Hunter ugly fucker and now taxpayers will have to pay for this guy to be incarcerated for the next 30 years before being handed the death sentence and being fed to the Lions on live television. Joe Exotic. like Matt Hale before him, is being persecuted becuse he is brash and has a big mouth and the way the federal govenrment has railroaded men like Matt Hale and Joe Maldonado Exoticism is harsh and disturbing.

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