Dr Michael Savage tells how Hollywood stars like George Clooney are able to afford and live in California

      Mitch Welch
   Michael Savage and his dog Teddy went on another rant about the high cost of living and dipshit decline of California as the state becomes more and more a state of haves and have nots in a tremendous growth of inequality and decay as the super rich and the billionaire classes like Jeff Bezos break record numbers in home price purchases a tthe same time shit is spread and filth reside in most of the major streets. Savage told his listener that increasing people are leaving and being taxed out of the state and it is left to the illegals and the crony capitalist global trade domineer classes from overseas.
Dr Michael Savage let the listeners of his massive radio syndication now how the lite Hollywood shits like George Clooney are able  to afford the increasingly high taxes and costs of living in California and what they essentially do is incorporate themselves and a George Clooney divert money into other money laundered phony businesses. 
The Hollywood left also gets bailed out from business dealings and fee low interest loans for themselves and their baloney incorporation  and production companies that a George Clooney is perpetually setting up for himself and his Hollywood cronies. Dr Savage then blasted the capitalist system and said the worlds wealthy should be paying much more n taxes and this is the one thing he agrees with Bernie Sanders and said that George Clooney should be taxed 95% for his sale of casamigos and the 250 million profit he received for the sale. The aging actor and his bullshit human rights lawyer wife are part of the Hollywood scandal and fraudulent royalty and the royalists form Hollywood California need to be taxed the fuck out of their wealth and their prestige given the nature of their partisan meddling against the welfare and prosperity of this nation and the masses.

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