Sick demented Canadian nutball Justin Trudeau demands Canadian stay at home and paranoid as America masses troops on border

     Gastron Giroux
    For twelve eighth day in a row Canadians were reminded they have a psychopath as their leader who for eight days have been demanding people stay inside and lock themselves up and do not go outside. Justin Trudeau also said the people should wash their hands six times a night Justin Trudeau said enough is enough and he is not going to take it anymore. He hinted mot draconian efforts may be needed to keep people locked up lie they are on Rikers island and he is serious thinking of getting the royal Mounted police a d the horses they rode on to make their ways into towns that are non complicit lie Winnipeg and Calgary and where people go out and do social distant  and are 16 teen feet apart. Canadian top doctor  the Chinese Theresa tam says people need to practice social distancing and wash their fucking hands and that the need to be like the Jews during World War II and accept these confinements much like the Jews accepted and allowed themselves to be transported to concentration camps.
Theresa Tam is a Chinese agent globalist health care fraud who is leading a campaign to lock Canadians up in their homes and forced imprisonment to take away their civil liberties and freedoms in order on orders form Justin to declare full dictatorship and brutal authoritarian rule that he has always wanted to spread upon North America. Chances are high alwso that Theresa Tam is Justin's lover and they plot woth Chin to rue Canada together as a special Tibet type province where European -Canadians will become the next Uighurs.
Justin Trudeau has been complicate with the rise of China allow wealthy Chinese globalists to essentially purchase Vancouver along with selling other top spots in government to the Chinacoms and now he is nerved as American forces are headed to the border. Canada for years under th rotten prick Justin Trudeau administration allowed easy border crossings of the globalists and Canada is a nation firmly in place and set up as puppet one in the global world order and we believe eventually America under Trump realizes the potential danger of out Northern neighbors who have funded and spread dissent majorly through  bad politicians and presidential candidates such as Bernie Sanders.
Canadians are tired of social isolation and social distancing as Master Trudeau and other globalists leaders see as a campaign  rhetoric societal demand and best method for preserving their corrupt evil rule and Canadians may welcome an eventual American invasion to rescue this country form this baron king like wannabee bastard who wishes to implement even or of a globalist inequality feudal society. The United States needs to support French Quebec Independence and install the same meddling and interference in Canadian society and media campaigns  as this son of a bitch King wannabee royal nobility nepotism legacy that is the only explanation why such a turd work like King Justin of Canada is even in power and  postilion of authority.

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