Poor professor Joel Poor at University of Missouri fired for making a Covid 19 Wuhan joke and Charles Lipson and Milt Rosenberg think it is a joke

  Wilbur Morris

    Professor Joe Poor made a poor joke  choice of words when a student on a zoom lesson proclaimed he is form the city of Wuhan that created and spread the Wuhan Chinese  virus. professor poor said he had to go and get his mask even though he was not even in the same room with the potential super spreader chines student. Professor Poor was set upon by cancel culture and was fired form his job despite twenty year so stellar service at the business school and this example id just tine of many seen around the country as the leftists eek to enforce their power and wickedness in setting an example as triggered rat bastards in our society and actually professor Poor should lawyer up and go after these on-line sources demeaning  him and that called for his firing despite the fact all he did was make a harmless joke that hurt no one. 

 Charles Lipson and Milt Rosenberg came out on their award winning radio show in Chicago on WGN and stated Poor's firing is another example of the fascism seen in academia as they have years of observing the agendas and far-leftist attitude that fires people for simple joke made in front of class and on-line now days as academia is so sore and losing money and historically high costs are no longer sustainable and the quicker higher propaganda education collapses n itself will be a better day as Rosenberg and Lipson says as the basic function of university now is censorship and harassment of the individual instead of education.

The university bureaucrats and college presidents abuse the system and increase their wealth and academic front office workforce of loyal high paying jobs and the students are basically just accepted to assume the position  and become subjects to follow their orders and the university system is quick to expel students and not refund them as this is the racket colleges and universities have slowly progressed today. Lipson and Rosenberg said professor Poor's firing by the University of  Missouri is uncalled for and more over reaching and cancel cultism  o the undemocratic socialist student anarchists that predominate on the campuses of Americana universities. 

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