Leroy Yates
Globalist entertainer and voluptuous whore Sophia Vergara is often celebrated and worshiped and a celebrity by both fans and the business press often highlighting but ignoring the ponzis scheme and fake revenues of a Sophia Vergera and everything she is involved with. All the business and media press of Sophia and her so called Latin World Entertainment and EBY which just are companies to divert money into other sources with corrupt business foreign dealings and this is essentially why Sophia Vergara is so financially successful as the globalists needs an outlet for their plunder.
Sophia Vergara insists she worked so hard and this justifies her high incomes and the success outside of the acting Hollywood industry and in other fields and this Colombian women and actress is so grossly over-paid because we live in an extreme radical globalist corrupt inequality driven fraudulent economy and this explains more than anything else why this woman gets paid as she does. Sophia Vergara is hero and celebrity worshiped and pushed to be so rich form fraudulent internationalism and odious sources with heavy involvements in the cancer charities scams an other charities under her name. Vergara came to America after the situation for the media elites became dangerous and her brother as murdered by the lower classes long resentful of the corruption and opulent lifestyle of people like Sophia Vegara.
This woman is a fraud along with the industry of Hollywood,Entertainment, and music and the fame and wealth spear apart for the small class of individual involved in it and hoarding it preventing it form other workers and citizens is the real cause of the wealth of this woman and others like her. Sophia has done nothing but be a coquette in Hollywood and being an opulent for for lifestyles and style and wardrobe and the wealthy individuals who sell over-priced items in this ponzi scheme of modern day capitalism an the modern families that run and rule capitalism like modern monarchs able to determine who and what is worth fortunes they create through signing the XXX's and O's to paychecks.
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