Cassidy Campbell and big Red machine confront a mentally and physically disturbed man for playing on Grinder

     Gino Frobel

    The  homophobe of YouTube prankster Cassidy Campbell continues as he and his big goon sidekick troll and set up lonely  old mentally disabled gay men who don't pay attention to  the age of the people they are chatting with on-line an somehow Cassidy Campbell makes it upon himself to confront and publicly shame and threaten these people . The bullying and creepiness of

Cassidy Campbell was on full display as he humiliated this wheelchair bound young man and told his mother all of  the things he was chatting and obviously this man in a wheel chair is in no position to meet any pre-teen for sex Cassidy Campbell has no business to set up men who go on Grinder and other sex applications posing as underage children and this is the job for the police and yet somehow this man is able to gt away with these videos that obviously are  homophone and target gay men because this gut just hates gays and pretends he is concerned with adolescents being seduced by fat guys in wheel chairs.

Mr Cassidy humiliated this mentally disturbed individual with a major physical handicap and apparently Classy Cassidy also hates these with mental and physical disabilities  as Cassidy and his sidekick thug went after this 30 year old man in a wheel chair and Cassidy threatened to break and go berserk on his pathetic sorry and candy ass. Cassidy Campbell hates the idea of

pedophiles going on-line and looking for children to mate with and he and this big goof clown will go to all the reaches to set and set up homosexual and confront them in their homes or in this case the mans garage. Again this is none of Cassidy's business if this wheel chair bound jackass sexts people regardless   of age  and the bully and dipshitnes of Mr Campbell is seen as he insulted this handicap man and his grandmother and told him he smelled like shit and that he should be bathed and washed as Cassidy 's redneck character called Chester was his usual rude a crude behavior 

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