Jimmy Dore rips to shred the homo ass of Pete Buttigeig

 Clifford Gifford

    Former bad South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is now the transportation  general despite having n experience in this industry and his proposed mileage tax was tore apart by Centralist podcaster Jimmy Dore who quit literally tore the gay ass of Pete Buttigieg and Jimmy says this man was rewarded for dropping out of the Democratic primary and allowing Joe Biden to cast to victory and the stupidity of this shitty mayor from South bend was seen in his proposed financial war  on the working class people who are dependent to drive to work from far away and jimmy Dore 

reminded this Alfred E Newman looking  dork we already have high gas taxes and mileage punishments from  Buttigieg is a dipshit and this was what Jimmy reminded his listeners in his seventeen minute take down of this slime ass former bad one term mayor of a inequality filled college town of 100,000 and which Pete Buttigieg and his base thought he was qualified to lead the country in a run at the White House. 

Peter eater Buttigieg doesn't have any concern of the tax he proposed would have a disastrous affect fr the working and Middle Class and says this is because the piece of prick chew is an elitist and a member of the political class and member of the election rigged commander in chief. Luckily, Pete Buttplug's latest proposal  economic hardship and  attack on the people was shot  down for now but make no mistake this little shit and homosexual in Joe Biden's cabinet and as a member of the transportation department he is always thinking of ways to punish the average person and this is his whole purpose and determination to get in a position like he is n right now. Dore called this moron for wanting to tax the worker and the Amazon worker for the roads and infrastructure that benefit the corporations and big large business and he accused Pete Buttigieg of not wanting to tax the owners of production  and entities like Amazon. Jimmy Dore also said the Yellow Vest movement was caused by shits like Mayr Pete in France for suggestions to tax their rights to move about and have an automobile to go to and gt to work 

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