Tucker Carlson eats Pizza on the strees of New York and goes to Japan for famous market Raman noodle

 Chuck "Cheesepuff" Goodwin

      Fox right wing radio host Tucker Carlson is the subject of much hate and  propaganda but few forget before he was a award wining broadcaster Mr Carlson was a food taste tester and was a manager at many Pizza Huts before the decline of this franchise. In addition Tucker loves eating  some of the  best noodles outside Vietnam and traveled to  Japan once  there to do a live broadcast and must to eat street noodles in a market. However, it was Tucker's  pizza review he did with some Deadspin broadcaster as he and Tucker went onto the streets of New York for the ultimate deep-edged  slice pizza. Tucker Carlson loves pizza and he went out with a bar stool producer to try Nino's pizza d do a fucking pizza review right on the dangerous streets of the

big apple eating pizza. I'm surprised no pizza thief tried bashing Tucker and this guy and attempted to steal their pizza and either eating the pizza or putting the pizza up for sale on the pizza black market.  Tucker and some sports internet big wig jackass went and ate Nino's pizza offering passerby some of the free pizza to devour and Tucker Carlson said this pizza is typically delicious New York style sliced and baked pizzas. New York  Pizza is a unique cultural trait of eating pizza where the eater flips the pizza and folds the pizza into their hand as they eat the pizza pie and this is definitely  what Tucker Carlson did eating this pizza like a native.

The Tucker Carlson  on-line pizza review was one of the best food and pizza reviews and was so awesome it should of aired with Ticker eating pizza on Fox news itself. In fact, Tucker Carlson should start every daily broadcast eating pizza and reviewing a different pizza pie before his show.
 Tucker Carlson loves pizza and R amen noodles but will not  eat unauthentic cheap ramen noodles in the states and whenever he gets off the jet in his trips in Asian the first thing he does is get some ramen noodle soup an eats like a China man. However, Tuckers' other cuisine  cultural habit is the love of pizza. Ticker Carlson loves noodles from Japan and Pizza form New York so much that once is broadcasting career ends he will ibest heavily and attempt to be another Papa Johns  with a pizza and noodle store as he develops a proper and unique pizza topping made up of noodles that can somehow fit properly on a nice New York style of folded pizza.

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