Mulligan Sullivan
The development of a Central Bank and digital currencies is currently being debated and Massachusetts perennial presidential candidate and forever bankster enemy Elizabeth Warren blasted the role Cryptocurrency splay in encouraging ransom ware attacks, facilitating scams , and increasing pollution with ints increase use and reliance of this snake coin oil scam of the global elites. Ms warren says the volatility os proof that these cryptocurrencies are not reliable investment strategies or outlets and that this computer cyber coins are basically criminal hacking networks themselves with no practical use and value as alternative choice for currencies and impossible to be use for medium of exchanges.
Elizabeth Warren's attack on Bitcoin came several days where former president Donald Trump also blasted Cryptocurrencies and said nothing should be encouraged to form a alternative to the US. Elizabeth Warren said these digital currencies are a fraud and something that needs massive heavy regulation and she is set perhaps to make an announcement for another presidential run in 2024 as he is so disgusted by the recent growth and popularity of these cryptocurrencies in America and around the
world. Ms Warner also hates the market manipulation of Bitcoin and other snake oil coins through the use of influential jackasses lie Elon Musk . Queen Elizabeth is green ion jealous of the amount of attention and influence of an Elon Musk and she is prepared once again to run for president as she will level a fucking 95% tax on billionaire plutocrats and deservedly so on such abusers as Elon Musk who rape the world economy so they can start their own Space shuttle and tourism fake plans of the future that will never come about and with the only intentions of funding billions into their coffers and for Elon to distribute as King Musk best sees fit as a modern day part of the feudal globalist elite system. The Massachusetts senator says Elon Musk is a creep and pushing forth this crypto currency and allow the hackers and the world illegal cartel networks opportunities to expand their structures and digital currencies is their latest tool to step outside the bounce of govenrment and officials like herself need to stand up to these billionaire class that have no problema allowing criminal networks and their dark currencies to be distributed and used in society.
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