Leo Yost
Baller and over paid hack fort the global world economic forum order rise in elite soccer player for Portugal named Cristiania Ronaldo who has no real talent except io kick a ball in a rather dull sport that losers around the world prefer to watch over others. Soccer is a dumb sport and always has been a terrible sport that Black African saps and Eurotrash along with South American and Mexicans prefer and cal a sport and Mr Ronaldo is perhaps the best player of this stupid sport. the fact real Americans and the money in American has not fully embraced the internationalist soccer federation and players within it makes them hate America and American business and Ronaldo came only with a memo directing him to do this Coca Cole exchange for water that could be used by the stock
manipulators to attack this Americana classic behemoth business and make no mistake Cristianio's Ronaldo's actions is receiving the fake news that Coca Cola's value should be less because this Portuguese man of economic war asshole decided to move a couple of bottles in some sort of bizarre neurotic stick sign for internationalist investors to drop the price of Coca Cola. American investor Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger called out this globalist agenda. Christian Ronaldo is given wealth and promoted by sports media overseas to have the influence such as this as one man can make and try to take down a giant company and this is preciously why these fuck job ballers are paid as much to be used as a political propaganda and economic tool and Charlie Munger and Buffett told people to hod onto Coca Cola stock and remain resolved in this attack on stock and
shareholders. Whether scumbag Ronaldo likes it or not people enjoy and are addicted to dark sodas which Coca Cola is among the best and Coca Cola is not going anywhere way better than his Agua and this soccer jagoff needs to come clear why exactly he did this in front of all the cameras and how much money and who paid him to doing such. Many of the companies behind Ronaldo played a part in this economic warfare upon an American institution and classic as Chinese owned Tik Tok put out and promoted this video within minutes of Ronaldas Moving the cola bottles out of the screen and replacing it with water and this is a concentrated attack and economic warfare on our system by the evil Chinese and once again why Tik Tok needs to be seized and shut down.
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