Little worm and advocate for more health extraction of wealth Anthiny Fauci comes on Todd Chuck's NBC program says vaccinated should wear masks

 Jordan Morgan

    Pushing new lies of a Delta variant the forever mask wearing and advocate little old health leprechaun and work, Anthony Fauci  was at it again working hard for the profits of the profiteers at the John Hopkins University global health complex. Anthony Fauci and the health m asters  like Fauci are like a hamster ion a wheel over and ov er again on these fucking masks. This old chump  are concerned that vaccinations have trickled down to zilch and in order to get them up again and have a rise of more for-shot profits Anthony Fauci is lying about something called the Delta variant. This old sucker going to be next year talking about the episolon or Zeta variant 

There was this televangelist Anthony Fucki on the nobleman media monarch Chuck Todd or Todd chuck whatever the dweebs name nasty NBC network anti-American anti-freedom channel and there was Anthony Fauci  buying airtime for himself and the health wealth gainers and liars. Anthony  is a health system  pimp and whore for the for -profit Covid scarecrows and there was Anthony Fauci talking about even the vaccinated must wear masks and preferable two of them as this son of an old bitch Fauci can't stop his horse/bullshit. Todd Chucklehead also came on his program of Meet the Press and deplored those who question the wisdom of vaccines ignoring the high numbers of people killed form  these

vaccines and Chuck Todd is another of these stupid dishonest fake news organizers and propagandist he is stupider than shit. Anthony Fauci likely paid for this air time to this jack fucker Chuck Todd who continues to lie about vaccines not being risky and he ignored the number of people being killed needlessly by taking this worth shit vaccines that are unnecessary and a lie with lust in order to  make money for the hospital complexes , government agencies, and the new world order. 

Chuck is such a dip shit and what he has on some network executive to have his sorry ugly face on television is not known but there should be a full scale investigation as this idiot is dumb  and weak and nobody watches or listens to what this man says along with Fauci. These two little leprechaun cretins horseshit on MSNDC lie because there is a nice pot of money and gold for their propaganda in the big media pushing lies of Covid and this is shameful Chuck Todd should be arrested along  with this worm Fauci and they and tell us to put on masks until they are as blue in the face  as those

stupid cheap masks but the fact remains people have free will and choice and if someone hasn't had these dangerous, risky, and unhelpful shits by now they are not going to get them now despite the demand and pleas of these two shit heads and little brain fleas.  

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