Pizza prick Dave Portnoy robbed of his pizza and beaten on the streets of New York while eating pizza

 Polly Cracker 

 Today we have a news report that barstool sports Dave Portnoy was robbed and beaten on the streets of New York City and robbed of his pizza Dave Portney was doing another 1st bite pizza review estate Portney loves pizza and he does use little 4 minute pizza reviews on the streets of primarily dangerous blue cities throughout America Dave portney was eating pizza and giving his one bite review of… da da pizza in and when a homeless bum Who was picking up and killing pigeons decided he wanted to take Dave portney's pizza Davenport knee was beaten while he was chewing with pizza and

head cheese toppings pizza dripping office And Mr. Portney was humiliated in front of the cameras and all the folks passing by on the streets of New York City day Portney lost his entire pizza after 1 or 2 pizza bites and we didn't finish his review she's reviewed as Holt pigeon band, comma that at this homeless bomb is called for its habit of killing pigeons and taking a home for a roast pigeon man beat David Portnoy robbed him of his meager Belongings and took his treasured pizza from him that he had just gotten for free for another one of these 1 bite pizza reviews Barstool sports day Portney is a pizza

geek and a pizza fool who goes on dangerous urban city streets to do these pizza reviews and not paying much attention to the people who pass by while he films his pizza reviews live they pour needs too much pizza talks too much pizza and is success with pizza but now he is looking Towards his next pizza review as he does not want another pizza beating and robbery as what occurred to him Dave Portney is a dipshit liberal pizza eating jagoff  who pretends to be a conservative yet he supports abortion murder and

doesn't care of the untold millions millions of unborn people killed by women who find pregnancies inconvenient  people who have been ripped out of their room and denied a full life and one of eating and enjoying pizza as well Dave Portnoy is a pizza geek And his pizza reviews and form it YouTube videos amount to absolutely no pizza information or entertainment. The man who kills pigeons and attacked Mr Pizza Portnoy should be arrested and have the full extent of the law thrown at him for animal cruelty and beating the defenseless men in position like Dave who were so mesmerized by their pizza addiction that being attacked while eating pizza should entitle extra punishment in the court of law.

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