Boss Bear 122 scares and freaks out many eats other bears and frogs

    Aaron Luther

Animal stories

    Boss Bear is this 600 pound Bear beast from the North woods and it has garnered alot of attention through the years with it brutality with some people calling it the Genghis Khan of Bears. bad Boss has sired some 600 buck little cubs as this is a alpha male Bear from hell able to reproduce and cause much damage to female bears that resist along with its male competition in the Banff National Park in Canada. The Bears was captured  one day eating a big Black Bear and this is a bad as big Grizzly that will eat anything it comes across including as many toads and frogs as it can catch with a particular fondness for Bullfrogs.  

 Some authorities and the Royal Canadian Police have estimate this Bear has fathered some 90%of the Bears little grizzlies in the region and this is because other Bears don't have a chance and the Boss legend has grown people claiming Bear 122 aka the Boss has been his by several trains throughout its life and much like a cat has survived and has some nine lives or whatever. This Center Bear is a beast from the North and it is only a matter of time before this Bear adds people to its diet and really becomes a monster and man eater and Canadian Royal mounted police are warning people never approach this buckaroo dangerous Bear and attempt to pet and feed it as it is tough as nails after all it survived like getting hit three times by a speeding train. 
 Some people are trying to capture Boss and put it against Blg the famed Bronco Bull Beast from the East and the advocate for legalize animal fighting and rumbling which between a bear and  a Bull would lead to death are determined  to bring about the legalization for animal fighting as many psychopaths would see huge money if the government ever legalized this mortal mammalian combat. 

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