Aaron Luther
Animal Stories
The upper Urban classes are just rubbing the noses of this country left and right through all aspects of society I saw something in the New York Times where in urban New York restaurants dog menus and the preparation of food for people's pets is now becoming a trend. The urban elite love to delight and spoiling their dogs and without a doubt they care more about their pets than the numerous homeless hungry people throughout the streets of their urban utopia. The idea that restaurants would now create a dog menu an opportunities for
people to bring in their dogs and to spend lavishly on a prepared meaty beef and chicken meal for their dog instead of just feeding them the alpo they deserve is utterly shocking and repulsive this is nothing new and more of the arrogance and Pampas attitude of the upper one to 5% who mainly live in coastal elite cities and who have a Stranglehold on our economy and have hailed out the rest of the country the arrogance of the urban elites many of them corrupt immigrants from
overseas in Asia, but that Double Dash who now come in and make food more expensive with prepared food for their dogs is part of the problem and the New York Times doesn't seem to have a issue or problem with this absurd idea and the elitism of it the restaurant industry is a corrupt industry made up of globalists with connected friends at big banks and money printing and there are way too many restaurants than there need to be and they are essentially outlets for many of these corrupt families and people globally. We here at the Anti-Pet
association to decry if this menu and we will continue to fight until all pet ownership from small reptiles to birds to the large dogs is abolished through government and enforced. In no way with this massive inequality in society should people be allowed to spoil and spend so much on their dogs while their fellow citizens are degraded massively poor because of the attitudes of the people who would go and take their dog out to a restaurant. This nonsense and attitude in our large and foreign economically funded and rewarded subsidized by globalists to be anti-American and these anti-American coastal and Democrat cities needs to be called out and we need income redistribution and the willingness of these urban New York Yankee-type people willing to take their dog out for a 25 dollar meal of actual food for human consumption and not nobbles and biscuits is further evidence why we need to tax the rich and abolish pets.
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