Kanal Joseph arrested for beating his meat at a rodeo

 Neil Knight

    Today it appears I have seen news and from our prediction that YouTube printer Kanal Joseph is well on his way to being the American version of Mizzy. Kanal Joseph has finally been arrested for once through his various years of pranking and his arrest was actually highlighted by himself in one of his own videos as he doesn't have no shame or care. Kanal Joseph wants to get views and clicks and he's willing to do anything if this even includes getting himself arrested as he hit o both a cattle and a human cattle as he

walked through the animal pig pen at this rodeo. The distracted and agitated cow stepped on the female trainers hand and busted it thanks to Kanal's trolling and eventually people searched out security to get this Mizzy type clown out of the rodeo. It was also told that Kanal Joseph was

masturbating around the cattle cows at this rodeo and for this the Kanal one got booked and handcuffed eventually stuffed and cuffed

cuffed thrown into a paddy wagon in a humiliating charge and arrest. Kanal Joseph is well on his way to getting globally infamous as British pranker and whack job Mizzy and reporters from across the pond are already coming to America to report on Kanal Joseph getting busted for beating hos meat on a Cows ass while he stepped his

cowboy outfit and bots on the bullshit that ere all over the rodeos back pen. Kanal's bizarre antics dressed as Lis Nas X and hitting on sweat hogs and actual cattle is unbelievable and to see him get cuffed and stuffed was without a doubt the highlight f this video and another successful Kanal

James video. The son of Lebron is doing hos father proud as he is one f the fastest  growing Youtubers and the  rise if Kanal Joseph within the past year has been one of the most amazing runs in tech. He must be careful not to fall off a cliff like Mizzy

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