Did Joe Biden actually survive a assassination attempt???

     Ed West

    Humpty Humpty Dumpty is falling as falling and a video of Joe Biden following his maid news throughout the world. Joe Biden is a 88-year-old incompetent boob who should never be a president and this man should have retired from public service 20 years ago. Joe Biden can barely walk and how this guy is not in the wheelchair and his team and administration put him in a wheelchair right now is amazing to me Joe Biden fell and perhaps some conspiracy. Maybe thawed up as summer suggesting that a sand bag with purposely put by someone within Joe Biden's team hoping that he would trip fall on his head and Bash his fucking dumb brains out Joe Biden did fall but unfortunately he did not fall hard and we believe

this was no accident Joe Biden survived a assassination attempt from someone obviously at the Air Force Academy graduation where this embarrassing boob fell and supposedly the media said he was not harmed someone that fucking old and frail who false without a doubts busted some brain cells some blood vessels or some minor bones and I think they are not admitting that Joe Biden is in terrible pain and in trouble the idea that no one on the staff would look in the path of Joe Biden and realize that a sandbag would trip this old geezer up nothing but trouble president would be surprising and unbelievable and I don't believe that

no one not saw that sandbag that sandbag was purposely put there with a purpose of hoping that Joe Biden would break his leg or neck whether there's going to be investigation is not known, but what is known as there are people within Joe Biden's team who hate him and want him out. This may be the first of several assassination attempts against the failed president who many in this country do not even believe he was even  elected despite the continual lies by all the newspapers and the big four media companies that there's no evidence of election tampering which there is evidence of massive election fraud. The Democratic owned state media lies to us all. In no real world with a Joe Biden got elected and indeed this idiot ran four times three times before and lost big Joe Biden is a failed president and perhaps if he  were to die of natural causes real soon there could be a holiday somewhere down the road as Joe Biden's death date should be a top holiday and replace one of the two unnecessary black holidays. Joe Biden is a troll and he's a black supremacist who keeps talking about racism and black people in order to get their total loyalty and he knows they're willingness and ability of the black people in the United States to vote in massive bloc although this too should get an audit as perhaps not has many blacks vote for Democrats as it is claimed . What we have is a to do  Criminal organized electoral electioneering and this has been going on for decades.  The next time Joe Biden Falls he may though break his neck and head and this man should seriously think about retirement and not run again as he is a complete laughing stock to the whole world and they are all laughing that we have a leader such as him

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