Crazed Palestinians attack lone driver in Skokie, Illinois as he pulls a gun and fires in the air to save his life

      Bert Berg

      In Skokie, Illinois as he pulls a gun and fires in the air to save himself Palestinian demonic people are in the United States and around the world with their Mass protests in radical beliefs. The well-known established Chicago suburb of many Jews Jewish people of Skokie, Illinois saw a confrontation between Jewish protesters and Palestinian Pro Hamas terrorists and eventually clashes occurred in this city right outside of Chicago. The confrontation in Skokie between

Palestinian and Jewish and pro American rally made a blip on national news radar but was pretty big in the Chicago area as the city famous for having a Nazi rally in the seventies now is seeing a new wave of extremist Nazi Palestinian Hamas rallies as the suburb North of Chicago has a large Muslim and Palatinate population and I knew a confrontation was going to occur with this new war against Hamas Nazism. A Jewish man was pulled out of his car and was being beaten by a Palestinian terrorist mob when he pulled a gun and fired into the air saving his life and these Palestinians in Skokie, Illinois were lucky they were not blasted aka Kyle Wren house style.

The Palestinian people are rightfully facing hell on Earth in Gaza and the other night is real quite literally lit up this fucking strip and they're crazed radical Muslim terrorists and it looked like a fucking firework show . Police eventually arrested this individual who was apparently not going to be charged as he was firing a gun in self- defense and indeed given that the Palestinians attacked his car and he got out to confront them and then was

beaten this was definitely a case of self-defense. The Palestinian Pro-Hamas maniacs that we see throughout this country if they fuck around they will find out and eventually in my opinion and many others these scoundrels need are going to start doing terrorist attacks and they need to be deported and prosecuted. Freedom of speech does not apply to railing and supporting massive evil that is the Hamas and Palestinian global terrorist organizations. During World War II anyone expressing support for Japan and Germany were rounded up and thrown in jail and perhaps when the second war of terror second war on terrorism starts off we need to do the

same thing with these brainwashed student groups they are harassing and trying to intimidate people throughout this country. There is also going to come to a point where our institutions of higher learning have become such epicenters and bastions for radical left-wing craze Progressive brainwashing and ideology that they will need to be defunded and shut down pronto.  as what they have done with their authoritarian left and their promotion of radical global politics and Palestinian Muslim propaganda and terrorism is deserving a such a shutdown. Palestinian globalist radical terrorist Hamas protests have come home in the Midwest and come home to Skokie and this is incident almost went global as if this man had smoked several Palestinian protesters this would have been major news for a week. The Arab Muslims and pro Palestinian Gaza Strip protesters are out of control and eventually these protests are going to need to be banned and shut down as a proposes a safety risk to this country and are useless as they are not going to start stop any War and they can march against war and Israel for all they want until they are blue in the face. Perhaps if they are so committed for the cause and Gaza they should go there and sign up for the Hamas Army and fights the Jews that they so apparently hate

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