Overly Obese Honest movie critic still getting free movies and shit from Hollywood studios offers the shitty ones in contests


   OverlyJenkins obese honest movie review critic is a Tik Tok sensation who's close to having 10,000 followers on Tik Tok the morbidly obese Central Illinois jackass who just watches Movies 20 hours a day and gets all this free stuff continues his Hollywood grift. Overly obese honest movie review critic open up a bunch of packages this week and apparently referring to his critics in his comment section says he gets all this free stuff from the studios because he's a major influencer and he knows his stuff on movies. The absolute absurdity of this boring and told meat head talking about movies and how he just watches movies with his 50,000 DVD collection behind him is absolutely absurd in one of the stupidest things I've seen on Tick Tock and thus 2024 we will continue to talk about overly obese. The overly outrageous and egregious movie critic and Tik Toker is a dorker and a half who's addicted to movies and much like half of this country there are half of what they talk about with their friends coworkers and others are movies and the pandemic of

movie addiction has never slowed despite the fake Chinese pandemic of 2020. Overly obese honest movie review critic open up a bunch of packages and now he is being so generous back to his audience that he loves that he is giving some of his movies he gets free to some of his viewers. Overly honest movie review critics ego is pretty huge and

he over inflates his importance in tik tok and social media and he calls himself a modern-day Roger Ebert and Gene Cisco many times contacting media companies in order to get his fat ass into some movie critic role and gig. However most of the movies that overly honest movie review critic plans on giving to his devoted hardcore viewers on Tik Tok are mostly shitty movies that he's not interested or has a duplicate copy. Overly obese is a clown and a half who has no sense of reality because half of his living time he's watching scripted material in mind and thoughts

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