Illegal alien from Central America arrested for brutal murder of mother of five Rachel Morin murder a 5 months ago in Maryland

 Jake " The Robot" Roberts

    It appears Maryland authorities have finally arrested the scumbag who murdered a female jogger named Rachel Morin 5 months ago. As predicted here it was an illegal alien who has gang ties throughout the states and this is yet another crime that can be attributed to Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas open border and warfare on white Americans. Yet another white woman is the victim of a genocidal campaign of Joe Biden who is allowed millions of unvetted and dangerous people from South the border to come into this country undocumented and unresisted by a corrupt federal government. Joe Biden's Administration has blood on his hands yet again as it's failures and it's willingness to overturn Trump's border policies of protecting this country from illegal criminals from places of Mexico and throughout Latino America. A disturbing in gang affiliated jackass named Victor Martinez Hernandez  has been arrested in the brutal rape and murder of Rachel Morin and this guy is accused of killing a woman in El Salvador a month before walking across the border in Joe Biden's open border America. 

                 The utter failure of protection of the American citizen by the Democrat Party and their government is further evidence of a failed policy and sinister agenda of the Democrat Party in allowing so many illegal aliens from Latin America to come over unvetted. Without doubt the woke Democrats want this country to change as they are angry about the red Indians losing the continent and their willingness to open borders to all people from around the world is some sort of racial retribution and revenge of the history of this country it's Joe Biden in other are angry that the Native American was displaced by European settlers. Rachel Morin is just the latest white victim of unopposed illegal alien

invasion from places like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico and the direct intentions of Joe Biden the Democrat Party is the results and hope of crimes like this committed against a mother of five. Once again we see a American woman brutally raped and murdered by an illegal alien someone who should not be in this country and the inability of the Democrat Party to protect Americans and women like

Rachel Marin from the filth and scum rapists in other lands and stans who can make crimes in their country and then flee to come and repeat it in here is utterly reprehensible. Make no mistake Alejandro Mayorkus, Jamie Raskin, Dan Goldman, Joe Biden and the rest of the top Democrats have blood on their hand and they continue to push forward an agenda that results in murders like Rachel Morin in Maryland

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