Serpentza says don't believe the hype Chinese people are not happy and they are miserable living in authoritarian fascist communist state

         Chung Young

     Despite best amount of propaganda coming from an American Business press and Tik Tok  the YouTube host Serpentza bash the delusion of China and its rise and.  it citizens are miserable  as China is a authoritarian, crazed, psychotic Communist States which does not allow true elections and the people realize this and they know they do not have a voice in their government. Any government such as this Serpentza says cannot be a happy society and the claims that China is so great by the pro CCP one party statists. Despite all the glamor of its high-rise skyline and urban amazing infrastructure the vast majority of people in China are struggling to get by on a day-to-day basis.

In addition, the Chinese rank among the lowest in the happy scale.  As someone who has lived in China Serpentza realizes the truth and the miserable existence and lifestyle of many of the Chinese under a brutal authoritarian massively economic unequal country that is the modern CCP China. Chian and ita' sick and disturbing social credit score is evil at its core and this sick society must be disturbing to live in for the Chinese people.

      The one party State domination of a small elite class of skyscraper urban living population masks the massive reality according to Serpentza that the Chinese people and the condition of their existence. For the vast majority of Chinese people life is difficult and they are struggling as their government is

indifferent to their problems. Instead, it focuses on its large cities and military budgets in order to flex power, prestige, and pretend in fact with the love of this pretend country that China pretends to be a Modern Nation with glitzy cities. The sad reality in fact that the vast majority of the people are living by having to reuse cooking oil over and over again and some areas have to hunt for rats, pigeons, rodents,

and tree roots to survive. Serpentza laid out the facts and bashed the Western media that is in love with China and it's rise to preeminence in the economic World Order and says much of the illusion of China being like a South Korea, Japan Nation is much out of touch with reality. This lie is pushed and promoted by the CCP American communist and socialist in our media and high society. 

     Serpentza absolutely leveled the orange face dictator of Winnie the Pooh fucker Jinping X as a false leader who has no popularity and is indeed just a modern dictator no different than Kazakhstan,  Tajikistan, and all the other stans and countries without true democracy. China is in the state of flux and shows what happens to people who are denied arms and can improve their conditions and force the

government to act any more tolerant and helpful Direction toward all its people princesses conditions in modern China are miserable and Jinping Xi and the CCP one party statists are desperate to hide it from the rest of the world and they have done an excellent job through the massive redistribution efforts of global parties including America's Democrat Party and the labor party in Great Britain among others

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