Tm Pool, Benny Johnson, Gregory Foremon, Valuetainmentv among others scrutiny the bogus lies of Biden sycophant Tyler Brian Cohen and his lies in media, X, Tik Tok and Youube

 Troy York

         Massive scrutiny has come towards the left wing lunatic propagandist Tyler Brian Cohen. Tyler Brian Cohem has been making news appearing on other mainstream Media and wearing his 1 $15,000 suit doing hid usual extreme  propaganda for Joe Biden and a Democrats. This flashy dressing leprechaun is now being scrutinized himself as the rotten scoundrel Tyler Brian released a picture of Donald Trump shaking hands with his son Donald Trump Jr as he was higher up on a ramp and this propagandist Brian Cohen Tyler  just went to work as he often does for the

Democrat Party. To say that Brian Cohen Tyler is an extreme liar in a propaganda is understated and now he is the focus of the extreme Joe Biden sick and offensive propaganda that we see on the internet. Tim Pool, Benny John son, Greg Gregory Foreman of the Black Conservative Perspective and many other conservatives are attacking this fool and highlighting the extremity and propaganda that we have long known for over a year been making mention online on this incredible blog. 


  Brian Tyler Cohen is a habitual liar and extremist for Joe Biden on the payroll and he will do say and do deep fakes as much as he can for his overlord and hero... the 91 year old demented old ass known as Joe Biden. Brian Tyler Cohen's ridiculous claims and accusations against Donald Trump needing to be balanced by his son Don Trump Jr is an extreme and bogus life by this

egregious far-left lunatic propaganda has been doing for some 3 to 4 years. How this stupid Tyler Brian Cohen has over a million subscribers on YouTube remains in mystery and most likely it is purchased Chinese bots from Google and Chinese content farms where Chinn Gag and ohers click thumbs up and likes for their videos or left-wing bias on-line comments in order to prop up this guy and make him seem like he is some competent political analyst which he obviously isn't.

Tyler Brian Cohen is just a habitual sycophant for Joe Biden and an extreme far-left Democrat who represents the Green party fascism and heavy supporter of the squad. It is good to see conservatives finally take scrutiny of this little scoundrel 12, 000 dollar suit leprechaun who has found a rainbow of gold fortune coming his way for his role of a liar and spreader of Democrat party propaganda. Tyler Brian Cohen who outside of Sam Sedar, Kyle Kulniski, and David Pakman is one of the biggest propaganda of the far left today on the internet

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