Alex Jones predicts Joe Biden will drop out in 2 weeks and likely be dead in 3 months

 Carlton Olsen

     The Infowars conspiracy theories host  Alex Jones is desperately hoping for the Democrat Party to get rid of President Joe Biden. Alex Jones is predicting that the president will drop out as according to the sources that Mr Jones has been able to bring about on his Info Wars. The Democratic party is in the process of slowly removing Joe Biden and replace him with either Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama. Alex Jones always has an inside scoop and the news that he knows full well is that Joe Biden is kaput has not made the rounds like one would usually expect. This could be because Alex Jones might be done and Infowars and that the media will be making mention much of him in the future. It also could be that all the other mass media is talking about the same possibility and for once Alex Jones did not have the

inside scoop and the first information of a deep State plot to remove Joe Biden.  Biden has overused his time and the establishment realizes that this guy cannot go on for another 4 years that they were hoping as this bubble head booby and his dribble brain drizzle on the microphone. Old joe must go and he just can't help himself drool talking about this stupidity that is the working insides of his brain. Alex Jones said that there are many people within the Democrat Party that are tired and never liked Joe Biden to begin with, but they can count on him gaining the Catholic identity votes and most Catholics vote the way their priest or parishioners say to. This essentially this is what Joe Biden was able to do with his

coalition in 2020, however even the Catholics realize that Joe Biden is the equivalent of the devil by now and with him or the woke joke current pope it can't really catholic and attempting to move the catholic church to full blown Cuban communism. The Catholic religion is slowly losing influences it's as it did even  had four years ago helping the country elect a second Catholic president to be White House.

make no mistake if joe Biden was not catholic no way in ...hell would this clown be elected. Alex Jones says that Joe Biden needs to go in the dustbin in history and he will soon be forgotten much like the first Catholic President John Kennedy (also not a very good president) as very few people today even care or talk about the assassinated presidents aside from some videos on

YouTube whenever the anniversary comes near. Joe Biden is so fucking old that he almost bumps head with John F Kennedy in the Democrat Party in the same era and this is precisely why this idiot needs to go. Joe Biden can go to hell or mars when he dies. Alex Jones called for Joe Biden to be overthrown and for him to be replacing whether this is done by peaceful means or another insurrection is not known. Likely Alex Jones May lead another armed Insurrection at the Capitol if Joe Biden decides not to resign and he wins again in 2024

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