Amazon drivers do very little as porch pirates fight and the Amazon drive skedaddles

         Neil Knight

   Two porch pirates and monkeys went after a delivered amazon package within seconds and the Amazon Rider driver skedaddles quickly in a disturbing video showing in Amazon driver dropping the package. Immediately two porch pirates jumped and started beating each other for the package. The fact that packages are so easily stolen through Amazon and quite literally within seconds of an Amazon driver dropping off the package is utterly disgusting and typical of the cowardice that we see in society today. This Amazon driver ignored the two thug pirates who came and jumped immediately and then threw hands at each other and amazing fights over the package. What

exactly was in this package and whether it was drug-related was not known, but somehow criminals are actually following Amazon drivers and know when expensive package is about to be dropped. 

        This is not surprising given the criminality of this monopolist company that is Amazon run by a psychopath bald head named Jeff Bezos and likely the number of insurance thefts and scams that have been produced through Amazon cannot be understated. This Amazon driver and just Amazon in general as a company is a cap[italist disgrace and the number of

packages stolen must be in the hundreds of millions since Amazon has been a delivery company. A huge number of packages have not been delivered and after 3 or 4 times of my own packages being stolen I've quit ordering Amazon and encourage all the people as well. the current open criminality is also a byproduct of the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris failed administrations unable and unwilling to do the necessary steps to stop the criminal criminality of this country and open and willingness brazenablity of the criminals themselves. Quite literally Amazon drivers have become Red and Dirty prankers type delivery drivers who care very little

about the package and what happens to it after it leaves her hands and clearly Amazon is unwilling to do anything about this major problem. Look for more 15th century porch piratry and battles as amazon is now the seven seas of delivery of product and we are regressing in all aspects to a pirate culture whether it be Gordon Ramsey restaurants of deliveries from Jeff Bezos company.

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