Ari shaffir comedian comes on Tucker Carlson and claims he was canceled for pointing out Kobe Bryant was a brutal sexual predator

      Leo Yost

     Former NBA legend Kobe Bryant will always be remembered as a habitual sexual predator and repeat rapist Kobe Bryant brutally raped a woman in a Colorado hotel room and yet because he was a star he totally got away with it. For comedian Ari Sharif this is something to make fun of the comedian appeared on Tucker Carlson's podcast and basically Mr Shariff's  agent and club owners  threatened and demanded that he end his bits on Kobe Bryant, as he would often attack Kobe Bryant for being a Un convicted felonist rapist. Bryant used his fame and NBA status to get away with rape the victim of the brutal rape that Kobe Bryant committed was bought off and

pressured not to press charges and for this comedian Ari Shaffir  mockery of tbhis  made this scumbag-- who is put on a pedestal and a God like figure by some baller fans. Clearly had Kobe Bryant raped a black woman he would have been convicted and prosecuted like Michael Tyson, but because this was another black on white woman attack and he was a star mega millionaire well known athlete this case was closed quickly without justice. Kobe Bryant is one of the more reprehensible and disgusting motherfuckers and we called it that he would have a violent and brutal end which he did. Kobe Bryant is one of the wickedest athletes around and many of his fans still to this day defend him and could care less of the brutality this man did as a rapist attacking numerous women.

        Kobe Bryant is at the gates of hell having died thankfully in a motorcycle helicopter accident many many moons ago and Karma was a bitch for Kobe Bryant as he got what he deserved. Ari Sharif he did not get what he's deserving this was many clubs canceled him and stopped him because he dared to confront and mock the cult of Kobe Bryant, which consisted of many people who were NBA fans and would defend Kobe Bryant even if he was an OJ Simpson type murder. Kobe Bryant is long dead and hopefully will soon be forgotten as more as a Year's pass by but what will always be remembered is this scumbag was a rapist and use his status as an athlete to get away with it and this was utterly reprehensible and disgusting. Ari Sharif told Tucker Carlson how he was

treated and canceled for basically calling out the disgusting truth of Kobe Bryant who was a habitual sexual harasser and brutal rapist and his DNA should be collected . They need to dig up this rat dead bastard scumbags corpse and take his DNA and see if any unsolved rapes or murders were committed more so by this former NBA legend and asshole Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant rest in hell you mother fucker/

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